St Cross, Knutsford

Tel: 01565 640702

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A Scavenger Hunt for the Cubs

June 2024

We were pleased to welcome the Cub Pack from 2nd Knutsford (Crosstown) for another evening.  The weather remained dry and the different sixes were sent out and about around the Church grounds and also inside to search for clues.  Each base earnt a jigsaw piece and after getting ten pieces a picture could be made of one of the areas of the Church.


After the activity the Cubs and Leaders were able to light a candle and spend a little time in quiet to think about someone they were concerned for. 


A St Cross minister then offered a general prayer for all our concerns.  Revd Paul then brought this fun evening to a close before refreshments were served by Mary, Hil and Christine. 

For more information about getting involved in Scouting at 2nd Knutsford please check the link below

Revd Paul











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