St Cross, Knutsford

Tel: 01565 640702

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Our collection for KidsBank via the Mother's Union

Mothers’ Union across the Diocese are in a partnership with KidsBank, a local Charity supporting families who are facing challenges such as homelessness, unemployment, high living costs, and domestic abuse. Our St Cross MU has agreed to take up this worthwhile initiative and open it up to all our congregation for their support.  The collection is building up nicely but we can continue to support this through September. Please donate generously to give these families a Helping Hand. Please buy from the Wish List below and bring your donations to the basket provided in church.

Baby Toiletries:  Baby shampoo, Baby bubble bath, Baby sponge, Nappy cream.

Toys: Board/cloth books, Comforters, Rattles.

Clothes: Sleepsuits, Teethers, Nappies of all sizes.




All donations from across the Diocese will be sorted and the Bags for Babies f illed during the November MU Diocesan Council Meeting.












Homestart East Cheshire

Our 2017 Advent Project

Self Help Africa

Our 2017 Harvest project

Cheshire without Abuse

Our Lent project in 2017 is to support this worthwhile cause

Hampers of Hope

As part of our outreach and mission St Cross Church supports Hampers of Hope

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